Saturday, May 26, 2018

A Closer Look at the Brainwaves Affected by the Mente Autism Device

The human brain is a powerful and complex organ, and the electrical activity can be measured in the form of brainwaves. Brainwaves are measured in cycles per second, with lower Hertz (the unit of measure, or Hz for short) being associated with slower brain activity and a slower frequency. The main brainwaves are beta, alpha, theta, and delta, and they're all associated with different levels of brain activity, from being fully awake and engaged to being asleep. The Mente Autism device works by stimulating the brain to produce more beta and alpha waves and fewer theta and delta waves, so today we’re going to explore the function of these different waves.

Beta Waves

Beta waves have a frequency between 12 and 38 Hz, and they're associated with mental arousal and engagement. Your brain is functioning on this level when you're awake, conscious, and actively involved in a stimulating activity, such as:

·       Participating in a conversation
·       Giving a speech
·       Solving a problem
·       Making a presentation
·       Debating
·       Making a decision
·       Teaching
·       Reading or writing

Because beta waves are generated when you're engaged in cognitive tasks, they're associated with alertness, focus, and socializing. When the brain doesn’t produce enough beta waves, it can lead to depression, impaired cognitive function, and excessive daydreaming.

Alpha Waves

Alpha waves still occur when you're conscious and awake, but they're slower than beta waves, with a frequency that ranges from 8 to 12 Hz. These waves are associated with calmness and moments of quiet thought. For instance, when you take a break after completing a task, your brain switches from beta to alpha. Alpha waves also help to calm you when you're stressed because they promote feelings of relaxation, calmness, and mental coordination. If a person’s brain doesn’t produce enough alpha waves, he or she may experience stress, insomnia, and anxiety. 

Theta Waves

Theta waves have a frequency between 4 and 7 Hz, and while they're also generated during conscious states, they're also associated with meditative states, deep relaxation, and sleep. Your brain will generate theta waves when you're daydreaming, when you're engaged in a repetitive and automatic task (such as freeway driving), when you're deeply relaxed (like in the bath), or even sometimes when you're exercising and become engrossed in quiet thought. When you're awake, and your brain is generating theta waves, you're generally shut off from the outside world and deeply engaged in your own inner world. The brain also produces theta waves during the lighter stages of sleep, and a brain that produces too many theta waves may be prone to depression, lack of focus, and hyperactivity.

Delta Waves

The last brainwave the human brain generates is delta waves, which have the slowest frequency at 1.5 to 3 Hz. The brain produces delta waves when a person is in a deep and dreamless sleep. When the brain produces an excess of delta waves, it’s associated with an inability to think clearly and learning difficulties.

Each brainwave serves a purpose, but when the brain doesn’t produce waves at the right frequency at the right time, it can lead to a number of problems. In autistic people, it has been observed that their brains often generate an excess of theta and delta waves, which are associated with sleep, dreaming, daydreaming, and a detachment from the outside world. By encouraging the brain to produce more beta and alpha waves, the Mente Autism device can help relax the brains of autistic children, and help improve learning, creativity, communication, and behavior.

Neurotech’s unique mission statement “to improve the lives of people with neurological conditions” & making in home-use and clinical solutions accessible and affordable sets us apart from other neurofeedback solutions.  Mente Autism is the world’s first medical device for affordable home use specifically designed to help children relax their minds which in turn helps them to focus better and engage positively with their environment. We invite you to contact us or any of our distribution partners to learn more about this groundbreaking technology.

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